Npoly Design Mug (Blue) 2 ltr
eachLarge Capacity:
The 2-litre size ensures that you can store a large amount of liquid, making it perfect for serving multiple people at once or for those who prefer larger servings.
Durable Construction:
Made from high-quality, durable plastic, this mug is built to last and can withstand regular use.
Comfortable Grip:
Designed with a sturdy handle, it provides a comfortable and secure grip while pouring or carrying.
Easy to Clean:
The smooth surface of the mug makes it easy to clean and maintain, ensuring long-lasting use.
Stylish Design:
The sleek and modern blue design adds a touch of elegance to your kitchen or dining setup..
Product Name: Npoly Design Mug (Blue)
Type : Design Mug
Brand: Npoly
Size : 2 ltr
Qty : 1 pcs