Green Peas (Motorshuti) (Special Offer)
500 gmQty: 220-250 pcs
Green peas are a popular vegetable. They are also quite nutritious and contain a fair amount of fiber and antioxidants.
Additionally, research shows they may help protect against some chronic illnesses, such as heart disease and cancer.
On the other hand, some people claim green peas are harmful and should be avoided due to the antinutrients they contain, which can cause bloating.""
Nutritional facts/Ingredients :
-High in Many Nutrients and Antioxidants
-They're Filling and an Excellent Source of Protein
-They Support Healthy Blood Sugar Control
-The Fiber in Peas May Benefit Digestion
-Protective Against Some Chronic Diseases like Heart Disease, Cancer, Diabetes
-Contain Antinutrients
-They May Cause Bloating